Thank you for your interest in joining with us in our vision to see nations transformed by the power and presence of God. May God bless you for being faithful in your support to see this fulfilled. Your commitment will help RBB take the Gospel of Jesus Christ around the world seeing lives forever changed. We believe in preaching the full gospel, the sick healed, the captive set free and meeting the needs of the poor.
Partner in prayer
As we go out and minister we value and need your prayer covering, at times we are on the front line. We need the anointing and the precious Holy Spirit to be with us everywhere we go, without Him there is no point! Please pray that His presence will be poured out and that lives will be changed and transformed, for direction as we only want to go where He leads(for this reason not every invite to minister is accepted). Also pray for the health of the RBB Team, especially Richard.
Partner UK
If you would like to partner with us on a monthly basis please download partner here RBBPartnerForm (UK ONLY)
Direct Bank Transfer
Account Name: Restoration Beyond Belief Ministries Account Number: 54930854 Sort Code: 05-04-38
Gift through PayPal (UK & International)
Partner Internationally
Banking Code IBAN: GB31YORK05043854930854