There are no super humans, we are just human. We all struggle, we all feel pain, we all cry tears, we all grieve, we all need encouragement and we all need help once in a while. No matter how strong we are or may appear to be we all in fact encounter the same kind of trials. No matter the call on your life, the title you have, whether you lead a church or ministry we are just ordinary people serving an extraordinary God… Two things we have seen during our own battle is that even Jesus, yes Jesus, had difficult & painful times. He had a season where he, the son of God, part of the God head, the perfect one, needed support and encouragement, he needed friends to sit with Him during His hour of pain and difficulty.
Matthew 26:36-38 Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to His disciples, “Sit here while I go over there and pray.” And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and distressed. Then He said to them, “My soul is deeply grieved, to the point of death; remain here and keep watch with Me.”
And even Jesus grieved over the loss of a dear friend.
John 11:33-36 When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews who came with her also weeping, He was deeply moved in spirit and was troubled, and said, “Where have you laid him?” They said to Him, “Lord, come and see.” Jesus wept. So the Jews were saying, “See how He loved him!”.
In light of this we need to be sensitive in our attitude to those who are going through a difficult time. It could be easy to criticise those in ministry who are going through a difficult time for not coping under the pressure of life, for taking a break or for not meeting your standards or expectations. I know of some people who have taken to Facebook, email or some other media outlet to tell people in ministry how they need to get back in the pulpit or how they should act as ministers of the word but please let us remember that they, that we in fact are just as human as you and need God just as much as you if not more to meet the call of ministry on our lives & the demands that brings. Instead of criticism or attack why not consider taking to prayer or consider what you could do to love them, to bless them or to encourage them during the storm. I am pretty sure that is what Jesus would do!