The Key To Breakthrough!

I’ve come to realise that at times the last thing we feel like doing when we are in need of a breakthrough is actually the first thing we should do! Through different trials I have personally encountered, one main being my health, I have realised there is one thing in me that never changes is I’m a worshipper. I don’t mean a worship leader, I mean a worshipper! You see no matter what circumstance you may have encountered or be in right now, no matter what is happening either in your own life, your family, your community or nation, one thing that remains unchanging and will forever remain is that He is worthy! He’s still God whatever may happen, whatever the bank, the doctor, the news or the government may say!

When we feel ill or low or even hopeless we do not feel like worshipping, we often forget the eternal and just live for the now. So many times society says live for the moment yet the bible tells us to live for eternity!

Corinthians 4.18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

You see when you have encountered Him nothing else matters, its all about Him and you worship Him regardless of how you feel. Even when I went through the darkest trial I had encountered, when all looked impossible, I chose to worship Him. Now my circumstances didn’t necessarily change straight away but my perspective did. When we worship Him we look at Him not the situation. At times this sickness has felt so big, so overwhelming but when I have started to worship suddenly my perspective changes. It didn’t take encountering many difficulties for me to realise worship is the key to breakthrough. Worship takes your focus from the thing, from looking at the impossible to looking at Him. No longer impossible but HIMpossible! Worship is above your feelings, above your circumstance, above sickness. Worship makes room for Him to come into your situation and when He comes He does what He does – He is the breakthrough, He is the key!

If you need God in your situation you need to worship. Psalm 22.3 speaks of God inhabiting, dwelling in the praises of His people. So it’s simple, worship Him and He comes!

Acts 25-26 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody’s chains came loose.

I love this scripture. It shows how powerful worship is. We often forget when reading this that midnight is the darkest hours, it’s the longest hour. It must have cost these guys to worship, I can imagine they were probably even getting verbally attacked as they were worshipping. I’m guessing the other prisoners wouldn’t have wanted them to be worshipping, people who are in need of breakthrough often don’t want to be around praise and that’s exactly where you need to be. We see that when the suddenly of God came it didn’t just bring breakthrough for the two worshippers but also those around them.

So if God inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22) then when we worship Him, He comes and when He comes He does what He does – heals, sets free, saves, delivers, brings breakthrough. No wonder the enemy hates worship so much!